суббота, 28 сентября 2013 г.

I am just through the half of the book and now I realize what things it's better to comment on. First of all, we've alredy learned about the biography of F.Scott Fitzerald (see the side bar) . It is important , because it helps to point out some pecularities that seemed to be  unimportant. But now, you 'll see everything  in different perspective. Plot lines, symbols, atmosphere of the time and a number of other things will create a different world, a world of  the narrator, Nick Carraway

There is one more thing that interested me and ,I thought, would be interesting for you. 

F.Scott Fitzerald and Ernest Hemingway were close friends! Their friendship cuold be described by Henry Adams'* Phrase : " One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible. Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought, a rivalry of aim"

*Henry Adams (1838- 1918)  was an American journalist, historian, academic and novelist

Future friends met at bar " Dingo" and firstly Ernest Hemingway was put off by the manners of F.S. Fitzgerald, his excessive flattery and invasive interrogation. But the meeting turned out to be fortuitous. By that time Fitzgerald was already a famous writer after publishing " The Great Gatsby" and several volumes of novels and Hemingway was a feature writer but still his fame wasn't widespread.
He had a knack of ingratiating himself with famous authors and kept making them his advocates. It was Fitzgerald who said to his editor Maxwell Perkins that Hemingway  was " the real thing" .

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